Product Details
This book contains:
- Allegiance abilities for Hedonites of Slaanesh, including a table of Battle Traits, a system for summoning Slaanesh Daemons, plus battle traits, command traits, and artefacts of power for the following Hosts: Invaders, Pretenders, and Godseekers
- Three Spell Lores: Lore of Slaanesh, Forbidden Sorceries of Slaanesh, and the Lore of Pain and Pleasure
- Path to Glory campaigns – rules for creating a Hedonites of Slaanesh warband for Path to Glory, including Champion Rewards Table, and Followers Rewards Tables
- Four Warscroll Battalions that reward you for fielding thematic combinations of models
- 18 unit warscrolls, 3 endless spell warscrolls and a warscroll for the Fane of Slaanesh, printed here for your convenience
- Pitched Battle Profiles for all units, endless spells, and the Fane of Slaanesh featured in this battletome, including minimum/maximum unit sizes, points values and battlefield roles